100% Veteran owned. Air Force trained, college educated and code experienced.



Common Roof Inspection Findings We Recommend Correcting

By | December 13th, 2016|Blog, Client Appreciation, Contractors, Fall Maintenance, Home Maintenance, Inspections, Mortage, renovation, safety, seasonal tips|

  As homes age, so does the materialovering the roof. This is the component of the house that keeps us and the internal workings of the house dry. As the roofing material ages, it lends itself to water intrusion and can lead to expensive repairs or even replacement. Here are some common findings from roof [...]

Is Your Fireplace Up-To-Snuff?

By | November 28th, 2016|Blog, Fall Maintenance, Fire Safety, Health Issues, Home Maintenance, Monthly Special, Peace of Mind, renovation, safety, seasonal tips|

As fireplace season is approaching, so do the safety concerns. It is every homeowners responsibility to take precautionary measures that ensure the safety of kids, pets, and to prevent accidents. So, before you light the first fire of the season, make sure to read our fireplace safety tips and make sure your fireplace is up [...]

23 Inexpensive Ways To Make Your Home Worth A Million

By | November 1st, 2016|Blog, Client Appreciation, Client Relations, Home Maintenance, Inspections, Kitchen Maintenance, Peace of Mind, renovation, seasonal tips, Uncategorized|

Busting the budget is everyone's biggest fear when it comes to renovation. And with good reason. Even if you follow professional advice, it’s hard not to end up shelling out more than you want. You can get your dream renovation at a price you can afford without compromising on what matters. With our 23 inexpensive [...]

Easing Your Contractor Worries in 4 Simple Steps

By | October 3rd, 2016|Blog, Client Appreciation, Contractors, HUD Consulting, Inspections, Marketing, Peace of Mind, renovation, seasonal tips|

Your family's home renovation project can be a combination of exhilarating excitement and pure terror. You may have heard of contractor horror stories who tore apart kitchens or received a large down payment to never return. This not only leaves your home renovation incomplete, but in some cases it can cost you three times the [...]